- - Mouse-On-Mouse
- - Human and Animal IHC
- - Immunofluorescence
- - in-situ Hybridization
Background Buster is highly effective for quenching background fluorescence and is easy to use:
For Fluorescence:
- Apply Background Buster for 15 minutes prior to application of the first antibody (unlabeled or fluorescence-labeled antibody).
- Rinse with PBS for 1 minute.
- Apply unlabeled antibody for indirect method or fluorescence labeled antibody for direct method and continue with usual protocol.
Background Buster can be used for IHC:
Background or non-specific staining is often observed in a variety of immunoassays, in immunohistochemistry and other immunoassay types such as immunofluorescence, ELISA and flow cytometric assays, background staining can be prevented by the use of INNOVEX Recombinant Protein Technology,Background Buster.
Background Buster is also applicable to eliminating non-specific binding in immunofluorescence, ELISA and flow cytometric assays.
• Allows staining of identical species antibodies and tissues (e.g., mouse antibody on mouse tissue, rat-on-rat, rabbit-on-rabbit, etc.).
• Short 10 minute incubation step prior to applying primary antibody or in-situ probe at room temperature
• Delivers complete eradication of general background staining
• Replaces the use of normal serum, powdered milk, casein, and other blocking agents and renders complete success
• Excellent for both frozen and paraffin sections
• Excellent for in situ application
• A must for animal tissue staining