It is possible soon to be established treatment for cocaine dependence. Researchers at Cornell University, have developed a vaccine which prevents cocaine enters the brain and cause euphoria, thus helps the treatment of addiction. The vaccine provides effective treatment, even if the intake of cocaine to be repeated occasionally.
Cornell researchers have successfully implemented vaccine in animal models and are very close to clinical trials in humans. According to Dr. Ronald Crystal, research should begin by the end of the year.
Cocaine blocks the reverse capture of dopamine in the synaptic cleft, which connect the nerve cells to each other. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that creates a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment. Increasing levels of dopamine in the synaptic cleft is responsible for the euphoria that occurs after taking cocaine.
It prevents the excessive accumulation of domapin in synapses. It contains inactivated viruses on which is "attached" substance chemically resembling cocaine. This allows the immune system to recognize cocaine and his relatives compounds that neutralize it.
For the occurrence of cocaine euphoria necessary cocaine molecules to occupy at least 47% of the dopamine in nerve cells. Of the vaccine in human primates show that cocaine molecules able to occupy less than 20% of dopamine transporters.
Researchers expect the vaccine to be effective in humans, but still can not say how often you should be administered to maintain its effect. For now, just be sure that it will be necessary to apply booster doses.
According to official data, in the U.S. there are 1.9 million people using cocaine, 1.4 million of whom are dependent on it. Every year there are over 2 million visits to emergency departments due to drug abuse. Almost 500,000 of them are making the cocaine. Anti-cocaine vaccine has the potential to drastically reduce this number.