The body of naked mole rat has a unique capacity - develop cancer. A team of scientists led by Professor Vera Gorbunova Faculty of Biology, University of Rochester, New York, managed to find a substance which prevents rodents from the development of cancer cells, according It is called hyaluronan and it locked the secret to treating one of the most feared diseases in humans, is convinced Professor Gorbounova.
Naked mole rat is widespread in East Africa, especially in southern Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. Live underground settlements of 70-80 individuals as their societies are headed by the Queen and her male "courtiers", a number between one and three, which alone can fertilize it. Everyone else is kind of staff which, as for example in some bee species are subject to the "division of labor"
Weird looking animals are known for their longevity - they are about ten times longer than other rodents.
Substance hyaluronan serves to sticky cells and tissues. It also has a role in controlling the growth of some types of cells, says Prof. Andrew Seluanov, co-author of the study.
The researchers looked at tissue from mole nude rats. Then found that rodents synthesize a unique form of hyaluronan known as HMW-HA.
When removed this substance from the body of naked mole rats, they develop cancers. This convinced the scientists that it is HMW-HA protects bare naked mole rats in the development of cancer.
People also produce hyaluronan, but in much smaller quantities, said Prof Vera Gorbunova. In the future, the researchers plan to determine whether HMW-HA can effectively protect human cancer cells.