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    Friday, 10 January 2014 10:24

    International Year of Crystallography

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    INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY - 100 years since Nobel Prize for X–ray diffraction

    In 1914, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Max von Laue for making the connection between X–ray diffraction angles and the size and orientation of spacing between units in a crystal. In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming this year as the International Year of Crystallography. UNESCO and the International Union of Crystallography have been invited to facilitate this proclamation and have put together a year–long program.

    CRYO SHUTTER - Annealing is a promising technique to improve poorly diffracting crystals

    Cooling your sample to cryo–conditions helps protect the structure of a crystal from radiation and thermal motion. Poor cryo–cooling can increase the sample's mosaicity, leading to poor diffraction data. A brief interruption of the cryo–stream can warm then re–cool the crystal and potentially reduce mosaicity.
    The Cryo Shutter, developed by Dr. Uwe Mueller, MX-Lab at BESSY-II, HZB Berlin-Adlershoto is an automated system for crystal annealing, ready for installation on Cryojet (Oxford Instruments) and Cryostream 700 Systems (Oxford Cryosystems).

    • Precise interruption of the cryostream
    • Reproducible crystal annealing
    • Extremely fast closing and opening of the shutter prevents turbulences


    Order: IN SITU PLATE

    IN SITU PLATE - The revolutionary 96-well SBS format crystallization plate like no other

    The plate's design allows you to:
    • Use your current robot to populate
    • Setup sitting or hanging drops with the robot
    • You can choose from 1 to 6 growth drops per well
    • Use from 50 nl - 2 µl size drops
    • Obtain more hits and reproducible results
    • Use X-rays to screen crystals for diffraction before harvesting
    • Get better results from UV screening
    • Transport your crystals safely to the synchrotron


    Order: IN SITU PLATE

    THE MICRORT™ SYSTEM - Easily screen crystals at room–temperature before cryoprotecting and freezing

    Room–temperature screening is especially important in protein crystallography, as many low–temperature data sets do not yield diffraction data of sufficient quality to determine a structure. MiTeGen’s patented MicroRT™ system allows you to screen your samples for improper crystal alignment due to damage or poor as–grown crystal quality before you head to the beamline. Introducing routine room-temperature screening of your crystals can easily save your experiment time, money, and effort.


    • 1 MicroRT™ Tubing Kit (20 1.5” (37 mm) long clear polyester capillaries sealed at one end; Extra–keen razor blades for cutting tubes to desired length; Small tube of grease for lubricating the base)
    • 1 MicroRT™ Aligner for properly setting the capillary tube over the crystal and onto the base
    • 1 box of 20 Dual-Thickness MicroMounts™
    • 1 pair of serrated-end tweezers

    • Allows rapid screening of crystals at room temperature, to help maximize the efficiency of your crystallography pipeline.
    • Easy sample mounting with little risk of crystal loss or damage.
    • Easy collection of both room and low-temperature data from the same sample.
    • Easy sample visualization and alignment, especially for small crystals.
    • Capillary tubing is easily cut and sealed, and gives significantly less background X-ray scatter than glass capillaries.
    • One size capillary fits all, and capillaries are reusable, lowering your cost per measurement.


    Read more about Crystallography innovation

    More: IN SITU PLATEs

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