Interview with Dr. Alexiev Venelin.
Since when there is a procedure to remove teeth to derive stem cells?
In 2003, American scientists discovered that the pulp of milk teeth is a valuable source of biological mesenchymal stem cells that can be isolated and used cryopreservatеа treatment at a critical moment for the man. Scientific achievement is enormous. It's most popular method of extracting stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta, add another one to the undeniable advantages. It gives parents a second chance, missed the first - to preserve stem cells at birth of their children. Today technology is successfully practiced in the U.S., UK, Greece and Bulgaria in two years.
How and what are the indications for extraction of milk teeth?
Milk tooth extraction is a safe, natural and completely noninvasive method for the extraction and storage of stem cells. Appropriate age from 5 to 12 years. For starters dentist tooth determine whether appropriate, inspection of front upper and lower teeth. Required tooth is with mild shaking.
It is the root to be fully preserved tooth so not only leaves fall and be removed as soon as it starts to shake. Before the operation is done or sectoral panoramic photograph to determine the condition of the tooth and its removal is performed under local anesthesia.
Remove the tooth is placed into a special set of transportation and transported quickly to the laboratory. The Bank tooth is examined to extract stem cells are stored at -196 C ˚. The entire process is accompanied by protocols to ensure the unique genetic material. Finally, the child's parents receive a certificate for successfully storing an initial period of 20 years.
Experts recommend extraction of two teeth, because the pulp of a tooth leads to storage of biological material a sample application. Medical logic leads to the more material you have, the more therapeutic applications are given.
Which of milk tooth are stem cells?
In milk tooth pulp in the accumulation of dentin formed hermetically sealed and sterile space, which contains multiple stem cells. The pulp of the tooth is formed even in the embryonic stage of development of the organism and therefore the cells are young and are carriers of the original DNA. It has been shown that the pulp of a tooth contains from 1000 to 100 thousand units stem cells that can be isolated to reproduce by cell cultures to be implanted in the area of the lesion, giving rise to a new tissue.
What is the application?
Stem cells from milk tooth is defined as mesenchymal, which have the ability to differentiate into tissue-forming cells - heart muscle, kidney, liver, muscle, tendons, cartilage, have the ability to form dentin. Currently, the treatment of diseases through tissue regeneration by mesenchymal stem cells is the most recent and rapidly developing trend in modern medicine.
Research into stem cell therapy is rapidly evolving and offer hope for the treatment of juvenile diabetes, heart disease, arthritic disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and others. Japanese scientists have managed to create even new teeth in mice. All this is due to the ability of stem cells to differentiate into other cell types. Stem cells are the first motto of cells formed after fertilization, as these are the foundation of the dental pulp: mesenchymal, chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes.
The fact is that stem cells isolated from cord blood and placenta are much stronger and more numerous than any other. Since there are immunologically mature, they are able to transform into different types of blood cells, making a real alternative for the treatment of 80 types of diseases, including leukemia, disease and Hodgkin lymphoma, breast cancer and testicular multiple sclerosis , a number of neurological diseases and others.
Compared to undifferentiated cells derived from other tissue stem contained in the pulp of milk teeth, however, are very valuable because they reproduce faster, easier to differentiate into other cell types and can be extracted in many wider time range. But with aging stem cells slow their recovery and become much more efficient.
Therefore scientific theory is that the earlier draw, the more effective they will be in time.