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Scientists discovered a molecule that causes sunburns
Redness, pain, and burns after unreasonably long exposure to solar radiation can be consigned to history when scientists recently discovered molecule in the composition of the skin, which is responsible for these reactions.
Blocking molecule TRPV4, which is abundant in the epidermis proven protects skin from harmful effects of the sun.
According to team leader Professor Wolfgang Liedtke, neurobiologist at the Medical University of North Carolina, their discovery enables the introduction of new products, which offer much greater protection for the skin.
Most skin burns were induced by ultraviolet radiation type B or UVB, which are useful in small amounts and facilitate the synthesis of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, as well as reducing the risk of many infectious diseases, because of the sterilizing effect.
However, too long exposure to UVB - over 30 minutes a day, cause DNA damage in skin cells, which dramatically increases the risk of developing skin cancer.
In the laboratory, scientists were able to completely block TRPV4 molecule in skin tissue through genetic engineering application. After irradiation normal and genetically modified skin with UVB rays with the same intensity and duration, the researchers reported excellent results: normal skin demonstrated redness, swelling and blisters normal for a typical sunburn while special skin devoid of TRPV4 was only slightly irritated.
Scientists already tested with great success and an ointment that is applied to the already burnt skin and removes the pain completely.
If their development be released will allow spend many more hours in the sun without leading to a risk of burns or skin cancer. Researchers note that the extended stay in the sun is beneficial not only for the synthesis of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, but also to lower the blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin D is useful, but only by measure!
In recent years, people are constantly being bombarded by mass media with threats that if you do not take vitamin D as a dietary supplement, will develop a deficit and will get sick. Only that vitamin D is one of those substances that adopted more harm. How accurate is the measure of the amount of beneficial to health?
Scientific team from the hospital, "John Hopkins" found that "sunlight vitamin" - vitamin D, taken in doses higher than normal, it provides additional advantages for health. Half an hour a day sunlight is sufficient to enable the formation of the minimum required amounts of vitamin D in the body. He also assumes the food.
According to scientists, vitamin D should be taken only on prescription. Dr. Muhammad Amer by the same research team showed that the only ones who need a slightly higher intake of vitamin D are people over 65, women undergoing or have undergone menopause and people with kidney disease. Elevated blood levels of this vitamin is mainly to promote bone health.
Dr. Amer stated that sufficient exposure to sunlight, strong bones, exclusion of vulnerable groups, the intake of vitamin D without prescription is risky for health.
Report of the American Heart Journal in 2012 found that 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in the blood of more than 21 nanograms per milliliter not only reduce its usefulness, but also directly harm him. Such high doses are able to suppress and reduce the amount of protein bound by the Cardiovascular inflammation - C-reactive protein or CRP. This leads to loss of elasticity of blood vessels, which is a factor of increase in blood pressure and the onset of cardiac problems.
Another factor is the relationship of the vitamin C levels of homocysteine - non-protein amino acid that is a factor in many cardiovascular diseases. High levels of homocysteine are always available when there is a thrombus - a blood clot blocking a blood vessel and can cause heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism. In pregnant women is considered to lead to miscarriage and / or preeclampsia - a condition characterized by very elevated blood pressure and presence of protein in the urine. This condition can lead to eclampsia.
Experts advise before buying vitamin supplements to consult a doctor and make a quick blood test. Vitamin supplements should be taken according to the individual needs of everyone, because the difference between benefit and harm is only in dosage.
Vitamin D - more than necessary after forty
Due to hormonal changes occurring in women's bodies after '40, women should pay particular attention to vitamin D. Female body may procure vitamins in three ways: through food, naturally rich in vitamins and with added ones by exposing the skin to sunlight and through dietary supplements.
Although sunlight and natural foods are the best source for each age, women over 40 sometimes need to take supplements to prevent vitamin deficiency. After that age, the recommended daily dose of vitamins for the fairer sex is 15 micrograms.
The main foods that are rich in vitamin D include: mushrooms, fatty saltwater fish, eggs, liver and alfalfa. If it is not possible to obtain the vitamins in adequate amounts with food, it is necessary to take nutritional supplements.
25-hydroxyvitamin D supports the growth, development and maintenance of bone, helps the regulation of blood pressure and activity of the immune system by affecting cells such as macrophages and T cells. It plays an important role in cellular differentiation. Women who do not get enough vitamin D under highly increased risk of developing cancer, hypertension, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and insulin-dependent diabetes.
The World Health Organisation recommends taking 15 micrograms of complex substances every day. Except for women over 40, this recommendation applies to pregnant or lactating mothers. In pharmacies, without prescription sell many supplements and vitamins that support the required balance, but if taken without the express prescription by a doctor can cause a number of side effects: diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, bone and joint pain and fatigue. They can intervene in the action of drugs based on corticosteroids.
Women suffering from kidney or heart disease or high levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood should not take supplements with vitamin D.
It is possible overdose of vitamins. The maximum dose that is tolerated by the body is about 150 micrograms per day. If this dose is exceeded, excess compound assumed it was too much to be removed from the body and acts as a toxin. Diseases of hypervitaminosis D, causing cardiac arrhythmias develop kidney stones, severe weight loss, kidney damage, and the walls of blood vessels, muscle weakness, and bladder problems.
Deficiency of vitamin D e much more widespread and common than overdosing because usually noticed only when they develop any of the conditions surrounding it. The reasons for the deficit are endless, but among the main worldwide are: women who lived much of north and are subjected to short days and long nights or women who cover their skin for religious reasons - and in both cases it is strongly suppressed at natural sources of vitamin D - sun. The second is obesity. Ladies overweight more likely to develop inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract that often go unnoticed, but impair the absorption of vitamin coming with food.
You should always seek medical advice before accepting any pharmaceutical product, even vitamins.
Probiotics increasing levels of vitamin D
No need to overdo it with sunbathing to get some much needed vitamin D. According to a new study, the intake of probiotic supplements significantly improved levels of the vitamin in the body by 25%.
This is the first ever evidence that probiotics play an important role in maintaining and strengthening the bones.
Previous studies have established the effect of a specific probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242, which has a beneficial effect in reducing cholesterol levels, but its effect on the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin D is unknown.
Researchers examine health data of a group of middle-aged volunteers who took probiotics for nine weeks.
They analyze the vitamin D levels by monitoring the levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood.
The results show that taking probiotics has significantly increased the levels of the vitamin.
This is an important finding since mass is deficient in vitamin D, the researchers explain. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with osteoporosis and rickets in children. Lack of vitamin restricted absorption of calcium from the bones.
Novel and unique ELISA 25-Hydroxyvitamin D TotaL
The 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Total ELISA is powered by unique monoclonal antibodies that express 100 % reactivity against 25 OH Vitamin D3 and 83% reactivity against 25OH Vitamin D2.
All In One technology. No extraction step, displacement solution directly into the well. Results in less than 4 hours. Calibrated against ID-LC/MS-MS (reference method). Bar codes on all components.
Technical spec.:
Catalog # | GDMS 1971 |
Format | ELISA MT |
Total Incubation Time | < 4 hours |
Size | 96 tests |
Sample Type | Serum |
Sample Volume | 50 µL |
Controls | 2 levels |
Range | 0-180 ng/mL |
Sensitivity | 1,4 ng/mL |
Protocol steps | 120min./30 min./15 min |
Wavelength | 450 nm |
Protocol comparison with ELISA