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Big Horns Trump Smooth Pickup Lines Every Time
Ian Dworkin, a zoologist at Michigan State University, was part of the team that first demonstrated why everywhere - from Moose rhinoceros beetles - and other decorative ma-attracting structures are sensitive to changes in diet. As reported in the current issue of the journal Science, a key component of this growth is insulin, Dworkin said.
"Sure elk antlers, peacock tail feathers and beetle horns are very different, but it seems to have similar mechanisms such large structures," he said. "A reduction in insulin levels significantly reduces the size of the ornamental structures."
Sexual selection has roots in Darwin's research. Later research showed that the so-called principle of "handicap", which marked a man loaded with such baggage carrying awkward. Dworkin team believes, however, that part of the image insulin, males are actually striking off. In contrast, insulin dependence of these big horns provides a way for men to show how good they are.
"It's a sign that these men are thriving, some pretty robust and certainly worthy companion," said Dworkin, who led the research at the lighthouse, MSU's National Science Foundation Center for the Study of Evolution in Action.
Dworkin and the team discovered that whenever such exaggerated traits evolve, but repeatedly, but independently of each other, seems to use insulin dependence. This suggests that the properties are more likely to have evolved as honest indicators of quality rather than disadvantages.
"While there is work to be done, our results provide an important way to connect and genetic mechanism with the latest evolution exaggerated trait reason," said Dworkin.
Stopped trying to detect a vaccine against AIDS
The dream of many scientists to create a vaccine against AIDS has failed. National Institutes of Health in the U.S. announced that it attempts to immunize volunteers with an experimental vaccine known as HVTN 505 is officially terminated, since it is clear that it does not prevent infection.
Clinical trial began in 2009 and since then, 1,250 voluntary participants received vaccine and 1244 others - control infusion of placebo, both groups over a period of 24 weeks. Among all the volunteers in total, so far has 41 infected with HIV than those who received the vaccine and 30 infected than those who received placebo. The study focused mainly people who have unprotected sex.
Vaccine strategy using "double whammy" that aimed to strengthen the immune system. Three initial injections are placed initially, and after 16 weeks - another injection containing genetic material which creates a molecule of the type produced by HIV in order to induce a response in the immune system against viruses. Scientists say the vaccine itself did not cause infection. After presenting the matter collected data and results collected until mid-April at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which sponsored the clinical trial recommended stopping the attempt to create the vaccine. Volunteers will be monitored for 5 years, and the data will be analyzed for further information.
Natural Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) / T-Cell Growth Factor (TCGF)
Each lot of IL-2/TCGF is analyzed for its ability to stimulate proliferation of seven to ten day old PHA-transformed human T- lymphocytes. When used at a final concentration of approximately 10% (v/v), IL-2/TCGF will induce a minimum five- fold increase in cell concentration of such cells when seeded at a density of 2.0 x 105/ ml. IL- 2/TCGF, a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 15,000 kDa, is produced from pooled human PHA-stimulated T-lymphocytes. IL-2/TCGF is purified by several chromatographic steps to remove PHA and interferon.
Each 50 ml bottle contains approximately 25,000 BRMP (Biological Response Modifier Program) units of IL-2/TCGF at a concentration of approximately 500 BRMP units/ml. It is supplied as a sterile solution in 25mM HEPES buffered RPMI 1640 culture medium which is free of serum. IL-2/TCGF protein concentration ranges from 8-22 µg/ml.
Download Natural Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) / T-Cell Growth Factor (TCGF) Datasheet
Viruses - the boundary between animate and inanimate
Viruses are not cells and cell structure, unlike bacteria, parasites, people and anything that is sure to take live. Note that life is first and viruses - the other. In fact, the majority of scientists consider viruses as a matter of the boundary between the living and the undead.
How is this possible? Is not that a mistake?
As is well known, living matter has the following immutable characteristics - ability to self-organize and self-reproduction. For this purpose, each living cell and in every living organism vital processes occur - feeding, respiration, excretion, etc., so to speak, keep cells and organisms alive. In viruses, however, things are very different.
Generally, viruses are particles (but not cells!), Representing a small amount of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein, fewer carbohydrates and / or lipids (fatty substances). Proteins on the surface of the viral envelope, which can have various forms, recognize and provide host cell of virus in it. When the virus enters the cell, its DNA is integrated in this cell that it "forces" to form virus particles assemble spontaneously and leave the cell.
Viral just like living organisms, there are self-organization processes and reproduction. They, however, they are performed only in the host cell, and all other vital processes are absent altogether. By entering into the cell, viruses (which, incidentally, outside the cell are called virions) are completely dead particles. Only when entering it, they show some properties of living matter - samoorganizarane and reproduction. However, these qualities are not considered sufficient virus to be identified as living matter. For life is inherently inherent nutrition, respiration, excretion, etc. or summary speaking to a constant metabolism. Indeed, some organisms may greatly slow it down, but no body can stop it completely, and so called life.
Viruses do not have their own structures to carry out metabolism, and harness resources and structures of the host cell to carry out its goals. Therefore, they can not be called living. Apparently, however, they are not dead matter, since if it gets into the cell organization and show a high capacity for self-reproduction - something completely alien to the undead.
An interesting question is how the virus originated. It is believed that early in the evolution of the first primitive cells, viruses were parts of cells that are separate and distinct self-replicating particles. This theory is supported by the astonishing ease with which viruses penetrate into the cell and then subject yourself - it is placed entirely at their disposal, accepting them as part of ourselves.
Duloxetine reduces painful neuropathy
Antidepressant duloxetine effectively treat peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy showed a phase III clinical study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
According to Ellen Smith of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, after 5 weeks of treatment, patients receiving duloxetine experienced a significant reduction in morbidity compared with placebo.
Peripheral neuropathy occurs in 20-40% of patients treated with neurotoxic chemotherapy. Such fees are (paclitaxel, docetaxel, etc.)., Vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine) and platinum compounds (cisplatin, oxaliplatin, etc.).. The condition can persist for years after treatment and greatly reduced quality of life.
Previous studies have shown that inhiborite reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine (class of antidepressants) have the potential to influence the state. Duloxetine also is known to reduce morbidity and diabetic neuropathy.
In order to clarify the properties of duloxetine, the researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 220 patients with stage I or greater sensory neuropathy induced by anti-cancer therapy. All participants were over the age of 25 and assessed their painful 10-ball standard scale, three months after the completion of a chemotherapy course. Half the patients received duloxetine and half - placebo, allocation is done randomly. The soreness was re-assessed after the study.
The end result of the study shows that 5-week treatment with duloxetine significantly reduces morbidity in peripheral neuropathy. This, in turn, enhances the quality of life and employability of patients. The benefits of duloxetine seem greatest for people who have completed chemotherapy with platinum compounds.
The most common side effects of duloxetine documented during the study were fatigue, insomnia and nausea.
Although good design of the study does not include follow-up of patients for an extended period, so it is impossible to tell how lasting are the effects of duloxetine in this indication.
On the way is the first broad-spectrum antiviral
A single drug may be an effective therapy for a number of different viral diseases such as Ebola and rabies, a new study published in Cell Chemistry and Biology.
John Connor - a virologist at the University of Boston, USA, and co-author of the article, explains that his research team study the vesicular stomatitis virus, a close relative of the Ebola virus, but not as deadly. It turns out that several viruses, including rabies, mumps, vesicular stomatitis virus and NICA (deadly pathogen spread by bats) use the same method to reproduce in human cells. This led scientists to start looking for a substance that can stop the replication process of these viruses.
The result - the first broad-spectrum antiviral compound that stops the playback of a variety of viruses through disruption of the synthesis of viral ribonucleic acid. Although up to a medicinal product used in humans will probably take at least several years of laboratory research and as many clinical studies, the discovery is a major breakthrough in anti-infective and, in particular - antivirus, therapy with the potential to change the treatment of many of the most serious viral diseases.
Parasitology: Cysticercosis Antigen ELISA
The Cysticercosis Antigen (Ag) ELISA (Ref. 650501) is a sandwich Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay based on monoclonal antibodies for the qualitative determination of viable metacestodes (cysticerci) of Taenia spp. in human and porcine serum samples.
- Analytical sensitivity: 1 cyst is detectable in certain conditions
- Incubation times: assay 45 minutes + sample prep <30 minutes
- Available format: 96T
Taenia solium cysticercosis is an infection of humans and pigs with metacestode larvae (cysticercus) of Taenia solium. Circulating antigen detection in serum is an important diagnostic method that indicates the presence of viable parasites. The monoclonal antibodies used in this assay are produced against excretory secretory products (ESP) of viable T. saginata cysticerci. The glycoprotein antigens detected by these monoclonal antibodies are present on the tegument and in the excretory secretory products of metacestodes.
The assay demonstrates the presence of viable cysticerci only, it does not detect degenerated or calcified cysticerci. In this respect, unlike antibody detection, measurement of circulating antigen levels allows differentiation of cysticercosis cases with viable parasites, with antigen levels correlating to the numbers and size of lesions. It can as such also provide a tool for serological monitoring of antiparasitic therapy in human or pigs: antigen levels drop rapidly after successful anthelminthic treatment.
Porcine cysticercosis
The assay is genus specific, not species specific. The assay does not allow the differentiation between infections of different Taenia species in pigs. In experimentally infected pigs, circulating antigens were first detected between 2 and 6 weeks post infection and remained present generally throughout an observation period of 6 months, even in pigs carrying only five to eight living cysts. The minimum number of living cysts, that could be detected using the Cysticercosis Ag ELISA, was one.
Human cysticercosis
Because T. solium is the only Taenia sp. causing cysticercosis in man, the test is specific. No cross-reactions were observed with sera from patients with other parasitologically and/or serologically confirmed infections. The sensitivity of the assay decreases when the number of viable cysts is low; infections with one viable cyst are often not detectable. Antigen levels are generally higher in extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis (NCC) (particularly subarachnoid NCC) than in intraparenchymal NCC; therefore, high antigen levels should lead one to suspect the presence of extraparenchymal NCC.
FDA approved device for minimally invasive surgery
FDA issued a permit for use of the new product Tenex Health - TX1 - a system to remove damaged or necrotic tissue. This application will allow a wide range of surgical procedures and interventions - abdominal surgery, orthopedic surgery, laparoscopy, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
The company currently offers products for the treatment of damaged tissue in the tendons in chronic tendon pain. INSTRUMENTS is the size of a pen and allows surgeons to supply energy in the form of ultrasonic waves through a needle that cuts and removes only the dead tissue. The whole procedure was carried out for 20 minutes under local anesthetic.
Each year in the U.S. alone, the number of operations in tendon pain is over 10 million. Extending the testimony of multiple device will increase its applicability and convenience for physicians and patients, and the quality of the manipulation.
According to Jill Foosball - Executive Director of Tenex Health, the device allows surgery at an early stage of the disease, allowing for faster, easier and more effective treatment and faster return patients to their daily activities. He said TH1 offers unique advantages - minimum invasiveness, which means speed, efficiency and safety of the procedures with minimal recovery time.
The company designs and other products for minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of soft tissue injuries when bursitis, carpal tunnel surgery syndrome and post surgical adhesions.
Better than mTeSR
Pluri-EZ™ hESC/iPSC Culture Medium
Cat #: ASM-5014
Product Size: 100 ml
Background: The ability to culture human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and Induced Plurpotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) under chemically defined conditions is a prerequisite not only for the production of hESCs/iPSCs under GMP conditions but, also the development of protocols that will be used for future preclinical/clinical studies (1). Attempts at the formulation of chemically defined tissue culture conditions have included: 1) The replacement of serum in the medium with a chemically defined substitute (2,3) and the replacement of a MEF feeder layer with a defined feeder free culture surface (4-6).
Figure 1: (a) iPSC passage 5 growth curves comparing Pluri-EZ™ to mTeSR™. No statistical difference was found in iPSC growth. Typical iPSC colony grown using Pluri-EZ™(b) and mTeSR™(c).
Product description: Pluri-EZ is chemical based media and highly stable.
Storage conditions: -20˚C; 1 year, 4˚C; 2 months. Minimize exposure to direct light.
Shipping: On dry ice
1. Thaw the Pluri-EZ™ medium either overnight at 4˚C or for 20 minutes at RT.
2. Addition of bFGF and Activin A may help cell culture results.
Neuro-Sure™ Neural Crest Stem Cell Culture Media
Cat #: ASM-4021
Product Size: 100 ml
Background: One of the defining characteristics of vertebrate development is the migration of neural crest cells from the neural tube. Neural crest cells give rise to a variety of tissues such as melanocytes, some heart vessels, cephalic neuroendocrine organs, connective tissue of the craniofacial skeleton and the neurons and glia of both the sensory and autonomic ganglia of the peripheral nervous systems 1,2. The study of neural stem cells and their progenitors, Neural Crest Stem Cells (NCSCs), have direct medical implications. Numerous pathologies, such as skeletal and nervous system disorders and peripheral neuropathies, arise from aberrant migration, specification or differentiation of neural crest cells3,4. In order to assist in your neural crest cell studies, our NCSC media has been optimized to contain all the factors required to support NCSCs plated on fibronectin coated tissue culture surfaces.
Product description and usage: Add 2 mL of NCSC medium supplement to 498 mL of
NCSC culture medium to produce 500 mL of NCSC media.
Storage conditions for NCSC medium: -80˚C; 1 year, 4˚C; two weeks. Minimize exposure
to direct light.
Storage condition for NCSC supplement: -80˚C; 1 year, 4˚C; two weeks.
Storage condition for NCSC media: 4˚C; two weeks. Minimize exposure to direct light.
Shipping: On dry ice.
Recommended procedure:
1. Thaw NCSC medium either overnight at 4˚C or for several hours at RT.
2. Thaw the NCSC medium supplement at RT.
3. Using sterile technique, add the NCSC medium supplement to the NSCS medium. Mix thoroughly and store the newly made media at 4˚C for up to two weeks. NOTE: NCSC medium can be filter sterilized if desired. Do NOT filter sterilize the NCSC medium supplement. Add this supplement directly to the NCSC medium.
4. Prior to use, warm the media to RT in the tissue culture hood. Due to the complex composition of the NCSC media, we do not recommend warming the media in a 370C water bath.
ESC-Sure™ Serum-/Feeder- Free hESC/iPSC Culture Medium (SFFM)
Cat #: ASM-5010
Product Size: 100 ml
Our Serum, feeder-free medium formulations are optimized for human ESC and iPSC culture. It contains growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins secreted by MEF cells.
SFFM is ready-to-use.
- Only need to add FGF2
- Culture dish coating: matrigel or similar matrix.
Blastocyst-Sure™ KSOM Embryo Culture Medium, with Phenol Red (with Amino Acid)
Cat #: ASM-5023
Product Size: 1 Pack (8 ml X 3 vials)
Size: 1 Pack (8 mL X 3 vials)
Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium is designed for in vitro culture of mouse embryos. Our optimized formula ensures that mouse embryos develop to blastocyst stage as close as they do in vivo. Each batch of Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium passes a stringent embryo culture test before they are released.
Formulation: Frozen liquid
Recommended protocol:
1. After thawing, the Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium should be used within 2 weeks. If you need to store media for later use, store it at 4C in dark for up to 2 weeks. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
2. Prepare drops of Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium in advance. Cover medium drops with light mineral oil (embryo tested grade) and equilibrate in a 37C, 5% CO2 incubator for a couple of hours before use.
3. Change to fresh medium every 24h during embryo culture.
Blastocyst-Sure™ KSOM Embryo Culture Medium, without Phenol Red (with Amino Acid)
Cat #: ASM-5024
Product Size: 1 Pack (8 ml X 3 vials)
Size: 1 Pack (8 mL X 3 vials)
Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium is designed for in vitro culture of mouse embryos. Our optimized formula ensures that mouse embryos develop to blastocyst stage as close as they do in vivo. Each batch of Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium passes a stringent embryo culture test before they are released.
Formulation: Frozen liquid
Recommended protocol:
1. After thawing, the Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium should be used within 2 weeks. If you need to store media for later use, store it at 4C in dark for up to 2 weeks. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
2. Prepare drops of Blastocyst-Sure™ embryo culture medium in advance. Cover medium drops with light mineral oil (embryo tested grade) and equilibrate in a 37C, 5% CO2 incubator for a couple of hours before use.
3. Change to fresh medium every 24h during embryo culture.
Milk teeth are a valuable source of stem cells
Interview with Dr. Alexiev Venelin.
Since when there is a procedure to remove teeth to derive stem cells?
In 2003, American scientists discovered that the pulp of milk teeth is a valuable source of biological mesenchymal stem cells that can be isolated and used cryopreservatеа treatment at a critical moment for the man. Scientific achievement is enormous. It's most popular method of extracting stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta, add another one to the undeniable advantages. It gives parents a second chance, missed the first - to preserve stem cells at birth of their children. Today technology is successfully practiced in the U.S., UK, Greece and Bulgaria in two years.
How and what are the indications for extraction of milk teeth?
Milk tooth extraction is a safe, natural and completely noninvasive method for the extraction and storage of stem cells. Appropriate age from 5 to 12 years. For starters dentist tooth determine whether appropriate, inspection of front upper and lower teeth. Required tooth is with mild shaking.
It is the root to be fully preserved tooth so not only leaves fall and be removed as soon as it starts to shake. Before the operation is done or sectoral panoramic photograph to determine the condition of the tooth and its removal is performed under local anesthesia.
Remove the tooth is placed into a special set of transportation and transported quickly to the laboratory. The Bank tooth is examined to extract stem cells are stored at -196 C ˚. The entire process is accompanied by protocols to ensure the unique genetic material. Finally, the child's parents receive a certificate for successfully storing an initial period of 20 years.
Experts recommend extraction of two teeth, because the pulp of a tooth leads to storage of biological material a sample application. Medical logic leads to the more material you have, the more therapeutic applications are given.
Which of milk tooth are stem cells?
In milk tooth pulp in the accumulation of dentin formed hermetically sealed and sterile space, which contains multiple stem cells. The pulp of the tooth is formed even in the embryonic stage of development of the organism and therefore the cells are young and are carriers of the original DNA. It has been shown that the pulp of a tooth contains from 1000 to 100 thousand units stem cells that can be isolated to reproduce by cell cultures to be implanted in the area of the lesion, giving rise to a new tissue.
What is the application?
Stem cells from milk tooth is defined as mesenchymal, which have the ability to differentiate into tissue-forming cells - heart muscle, kidney, liver, muscle, tendons, cartilage, have the ability to form dentin. Currently, the treatment of diseases through tissue regeneration by mesenchymal stem cells is the most recent and rapidly developing trend in modern medicine.
Research into stem cell therapy is rapidly evolving and offer hope for the treatment of juvenile diabetes, heart disease, arthritic disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and others. Japanese scientists have managed to create even new teeth in mice. All this is due to the ability of stem cells to differentiate into other cell types. Stem cells are the first motto of cells formed after fertilization, as these are the foundation of the dental pulp: mesenchymal, chondrocytes, osteoblasts and adipocytes.
The fact is that stem cells isolated from cord blood and placenta are much stronger and more numerous than any other. Since there are immunologically mature, they are able to transform into different types of blood cells, making a real alternative for the treatment of 80 types of diseases, including leukemia, disease and Hodgkin lymphoma, breast cancer and testicular multiple sclerosis , a number of neurological diseases and others.
Compared to undifferentiated cells derived from other tissue stem contained in the pulp of milk teeth, however, are very valuable because they reproduce faster, easier to differentiate into other cell types and can be extracted in many wider time range. But with aging stem cells slow their recovery and become much more efficient.
Therefore scientific theory is that the earlier draw, the more effective they will be in time.