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Swedish scientists develop model for cancer
Swedish researchers have discovered a new method to combat cancer. In scientific journals it a completely new mechanism to fight cancer through the explosion of cancer cells.
Experts on the science of cancer of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm said that they were able to cause tumor growth in mice. Through the introduction of the drug they induce growth of a specific type of brain tumor called glioblastoma. Subsequently, after taking another drug they say they were able to prevent tumor development and growth of cancer cells.
The substance, which is carried out the experiments is called 1 - Vakvinol, which may be administered in tablet form. It has been found that molecules of the particular drug may be incorporated in the cancer cells. In this way they cause the development of a process called vacuolation. In this order the cells swell by extracting fluid from the interstitial space and their incorporation in a vacuole inside the cell, which gradually increases in size. Subsequently, the cancer cell starts to break down, the walls thin and gradually this led to its literal explosion and death.
Research and their research have been conducted on mice with glioblastoma, which scientists say is true and applicable to other types of cancer cells. This medicament is believed to have the same mechanism of action in humans, but in a different half-life, i.e. the dose in mice and will be different in different time intervals, while in humans will seek saturation and higher plasma concentration for maximum effect.
The study is the result of many years of research into new methods of drug treatment of cancer, during which scientists have crashed millions of cancer cells particles to determine which of the tested drugs effect will be the strongest. Vakvinol-1 is defined as the definitive drug and scientists say the drug substance to be registered as soon as possible and move in phase 1 clinical trials compared to patients who are suffering from malignant forms of cancer.
Claims of scientists are complemented by the fact that the experimental conditions in mice implanted tumor cells of human glioblastoma, which subsequently started his own development. Mice were fed with crushed tablets Vakvinol -1 in five consecutive days of drug experimentation. The results show that all six of the eight mice survived after drug administration, while in the control group of the infected mice with human glioblastoma, mortality is recorded as 100% , that is, 30 of each 30 mice were infected reached fatal. Surviving mice with specific therapy lived 80 more days, according to the researchers is equivalent to decades of human life, even allowing for full treatment.
Professor Patrick Ernfors tissue from the Department of Biology at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, said he was proud of the scientific discovery of the research team, because this is an entirely new mechanism to fight cancer, which will be introduced in clinical trials. According to him, possible drug will combat cancer cells in an entirely new pathophysiological mechanism that would protect people from the harmful effects and side effects of other forms of drug therapy of cancers that currently exist.
Cancer cells appear to change while moving throughout body
For the majority of cancer patients, it's not the primary tumor that is deadly, but the spread or "metastasis" of cancer cells from the primary tumor to secondary locations throughout the body that is the problem. That's why a major focus of contemporary cancer research is how to stop or fight metastasis.
Previous lab studies suggest that metastasizing cancer cells undergo a major molecular change when they leave the primary tumor -- a process called epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). As the cells travel from one site to another, they pick up new characteristics. More importantly, they develop a resistance to chemotherapy that is effective on the primary tumor. But confirmation of the EMT process has only taken place in test tubes or in animals.
In a new study, published in the Journal of Ovarian Research, Georgia Tech scientists have direct evidence that EMT takes place in humans, at least in ovarian cancer patients. The findings suggest that doctors should treat patients with a combination of drugs: those that kill cancer cells in primary tumors and drugs that target the unique characteristics of cancer cells spreading through the body.
The researchers looked at matching ovarian and abdominal cancerous tissues in seven patients. Pathologically, the cells looked exactly the same, implying that they simply fell off the primary tumor and spread to the secondary site with no changes. But on the molecular level, the cells were very different. Those in the metastatic site displayed genetic signatures consistent with EMT. The scientists didn't see the process take place, but they know it happened.
"It's like noticing that a piece of cake has gone missing from your kitchen and you turn to see your daughter with chocolate on her face," said John McDonald, director of Georgia Tech's Integrated Cancer Research Center and lead investigator on the project. "You didn't see her eat the cake, but the evidence is overwhelming. The gene expression patterns of the metastatic cancers displayed gene expression profiles that unambiguously identified them as having gone through EMT."
The EMT process is an essential component of embryonic development and allows for reduced cell adhesiveness and increased cell movement.
According to Benedict Benigno, collaborating physician on the paper, CEO of the Ovarian Cancer Institute and director of gynecological oncology at Atlanta's Northside Hospital, "These results clearly indicate that metastasizing ovarian cancer cells are very different from those comprising the primary tumor and will likely require new types of chemotherapy if we are going to improve the outcome of these patients."
Ovarian cancer is the most malignant of all gynecological cancers and responsible for more than 14,000 deaths annually in the United States alone. It often reveals no early symptoms and isn't typically diagnosed until after it spreads.
"Our team is hopeful that, because of the new findings, the substantial body of knowledge that has already been acquired on how to block EMT and reduce metastasis in experimental models may now begin to be applied to humans," said Georgia Tech graduate student Loukia Lili, co-author of the study.
Single test will detect any cancer in the body
Researchers have to develop a test with the aid of which will be able to determine the presence of cancer in the body, regardless of the type. Initially, the scientific team of Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas working on a quest to discover genetic mutation, which can be confirmed pancreatic cancer without the need for biopsy. The researchers found that cancer cells, like other healthy individual specific small particles known as exosomes, 1983, having "footprint" of the respective tumor.
Exosomes are small bubbles that form in the cytoplasm and secreted by cells into the extracellular environment. They can be found in a study of various body fluids, such as blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, saliva, breast milk even. Their size is in the range of the virus, they are larger than the low density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol molecule), but smaller than the red blood cells. Their diameter is between 30 and 100 nanometers.
Exosomes carrying the proteins, RNA and lipids. Participate in the regulation of immune responses and are an important component of intercellular communication. Relatively recently it was found that the transferred microRNA and mRNA to specific target cells and in particular, that provide for horizontal transport of mRNA between the cells, i.e. they are carried out by means of differentiation of the cell recipient. It is believed that the nucleic acids are transferred, are involved in the epigenetic inheritance. There is evidence that protein exosomes to create favorable changes in tumor growth cell-around environment.
Researchers from the University of Texas believes it can develop a test that decipher coded in the excuzemes. This can not only determine the presence of cancerous processes in the body, but he caught at the beginning of tumorigenesis, which will be of immense value in medical practice for early detection, diagnosis and treatment of patients.
At this stage there is no such medical text with the help of which you can find out whether a person suffers from some kind of tumor. Medicine use multiple tests "recognize" one or another gene mutation, pointing respectively to one or another type of tumor and whether it is malignant or benign.
To be diagnosed with a tumor disease, it is first necessary to determine if it exists, to reach it, if it is available, and finally there are always risks and costs of surgical interventions, said Dr. Raghu Kaluri team .
According to him, the genetic analysis of exosomes will help to determine not only the presence of a tumor process in the organism, but also its identification without biopsy. Different types of cancer produce different chromosomal mutations explains it with the test will be possible to know whether the cancer, pancreatic or brain, for example.
Such a tool will undoubtedly enhance the ability of physicians to detect cancer in its early stages and effectively treating oncological diseases are written in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Still a lot of work on the development of the test, which is not an easy task, given that the very exosomes is still studied by science.
Depriving cells of energy as a new method of treatment
The progress of many serious health conditions can be suppressed by drugs that "chase" metabolism. The findings may lead to a new kind of treatment of cancer, inflammatory diseases, and as macular degeneration. The study was conducted by experts from the University of Leuven, Belgium.
For some time doctors try to stop the progression of the condition to develop resistance to drugs, such as stopping the process of formation of new cells, associated with the pathological growth.
Ineffectiveness of the drugs and the frequent occurrence of relapse, however, make these attempts failed. The new study, which is published in the journal Cell Metabolism, describes a completely new approach that can solve the problem.
While the efforts of previous research and treatments aimed at limiting formation in blood vessels, thus targeting the so-called endothelial growth factor, the new method "attack" glycolysis. This is the process in which cells of Alzheimer generate the necessary energy.
In other words, instead of suppressing growth itself, the new method stops "power" to which the cell count. According to researchers, the new findings could inspire scientists to develop new treatments for many diseases.
They could also be useful in tumors, vision loss, chronic inflammation and the like.
Biomarker predicts which patients will develop prostate cancer
American and Canadian researchers have identified a biomarker which predict which patients are at risk of developing cancer of the prostate or relapsed disease , reported UPI . Andris Zeylstra Medical Center at the University Vanderbilt and John Lewis from the University of Alberta said that some cases of prostate cancer are spread slowly and are not associated with severe symptoms , while others patients experience metastatic disease , often have fatal . Oncologists have long sought biomarkers that identify which patients must pass intensive care
Zeylstra and colleagues examined the protein CD151, which facilitates the migration of cancer cells in the body. Researchers found that when affected by prostate cancer patients CD151 is "free", ie is not bound by his partner, integrin protein, which allows cells to adhere to the surrounding tissue. It turns out that this form of CD151 is important functions in cancer.
"I was surprised we observed that some proteins are CD151 released by the presence of your partner and that it happens when there is a cancer, "said Zeylstra." New in is that it is not about traditional no change the expression of a protein in a protein that modifies molecular state. Namely, it is an indicator of the development of disease. "
The researchers studied tissue samples from 137 patients undergoing to treat a cancer of the prostate in Canada for the past 12 years. The results showed that if patients have "FREE" CD151, the risk of prostate cancer is greater, than for those without detectable "free" CD151.
Eating itself of cancer cells as a new type of treatment
Incitement of tumor cells devours itself would probably be one of the best decision on the treatment of large numbers of tumor diseases.
In a new study, researchers found that a combination of certain medications can cause the cancer cells to "cannibalism", without damaging healthy tissue. This type of treatment has demonstrated efficacy in tumors in the colon, liver, lung, breast, brain and kidneys.
Researchers are trying to determine whether co-administration of drugs sorafenib and regorafenib can be combined with so-called PI3K/AKT inhibitors to achieve better effect.
Andrew Poklepovic who is co-author of this work, says that despite the need for further research, the results so far are promising. Scientists are encouraged by the fact that the drugs used have already been approved by the FDA to treat certain types of tumors or are currently undergoing trials and pending approval.
The medicaments sorafenib and regorafenib influence the growth of tumor cells by blocking the release of enzymes - kinases that play a decisive role in the spread of cancer cells.
Newfound combination drugs enhances this effect, as it adds a new class of kinases inhobitori - PI3K/AKT inhibitors. Thus, many of the tumor cells "starve", limiting tumor growth.
Antibodies from sharks may be effective against breast cancer
According to researchers, they prevent the growth of cancer cells
A new type of therapy can help to effectively treat breast cancer, reported biologists from the University of Aberdeen. It's about the application of the specific type of antibody IgNAR (immunoglobulin new antigen receptor), which are found in cartilage fish - such as sharks. According to researchers unique antibody can prevent the growth of cancer cells.
Over the next three years is to provide a number of studies that confirm the theory and help to create a cure for the most common malignancy in women location. Scientists will focus on the two molecules - HER2 and HER3, which are arranged on the surface of cancer cells. When these molecules are combined, the cancer cells receive signals for growth and division. According to researchers IgNAR can stop the transmission of the signal and to prevent progression of the disease.
New microscope shows most imperceptible cancer cells during surgery
Modern technology will allow you to avoid repetitive operations to remove the rest of the tumor.
Inventors at the University of Western Australia presented the world's smallest portable microscope. It is adapted for the detection of cancerous cells, showing the three-dimensional images. The basic element of the invention is a lens, whose width is one-third of a millimeter, and so it easily fits into the needle.
Currently new technology passes tests on samples of human tissue. A successful will allow you to avoid repetitive operations to remove the rest of the tumor. According to statistics, nearly one in four women, operated by breast cancer undergoes re-intervention.
The microscope is set to be used during the operation, which will help to be examined within the tumor. It will also be possible to examine the operation of the lungs in emphysema and cancer of the brain. If the tests pass, the advanced technology could hit the market over the next ten years.
Scientists have discovered a gene that increases the risk of ovarian cancer in mice
If the gene has a similar role in humans will be able to develop new screening tests
British scientists have identified a gene in mice, which increases the risk of ovarian cancer, as defective.
Rodents lacking gene are twice as likely to develop cancer, ovarian cancer, and to show signs of infertility. If the gene has a similar role in humans will be able to develop new screening tests, said scientists from the charity Cancer Research UK.
They focus on gene Helq, who was involved in the restoration of damaged DNA. It turned out that mice deprived of it, are two-fold higher risk of ovarian cancer.
"The results show that if there are problems with Helq in mice increases the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer and other tumors, said study leader Dr. Simon Boultan. This is exciting because it is possible the same effect was observed in women with a defective gene Helq. The next step is to check whether this is so."
Video Game fight the cancer
Center for Cancer in Britain hired a game studio to produce for them a computer game in which players will take on the role of doctors. It allows the audience to analyze in real time the actual and current scientific data and named Cell Slider.
From the center said that for the first three months' mobile researchers "analyzed data for scientific teams would take over 3 years.
The development of technology allowed the scientific world to identify many new causes of cancer - carcinogens and mutations. But the colossal amounts of data that are piling up faster than they can be analyzed, often significantly delayed the work of scientists. Problem with the data is that most computers have to be specifically programmed for each study, which creates a likelihood of mistakes and too slow for their needs. Because data can be analyzed by eye, they decided to turn it into a game.
According to the center's director - Dr. Joanna Reynolds, the accuracy with which the human brain is able to analyze the information in no way inferior to the analytical power of the computer, but while introducing faster software, a brain is more effective than a single processor .
Since it became available for free access on the Internet, Cell Slider scored over 350 000 players from around the world who have committed over 1,600,000 accurate analysis of the information forwarded in the form of game information.
And the principle of action is inspired by the program SETI @ home: a multinational enterprise to search for extraterrestrial life, receiving huge amounts of data from satellites and satellites of the planet and the Internet and sends them into small pieces and parcels of volunteers. These volunteers run the program on your computer, it automatically analyzes the data and a few minutes sent them back to ready the backup type.