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Stem cells will proliferate by using new molecule
Discovered a new molecule - the first of its kind that allows multiplication of stem cells from umbilical cord. This discovery is very important as these cells are used for transplantation for the treatment of blood diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.
The blood from the umbilical cord of the infant is considered an excellent source of hematopoietic stem cells that could be used for transplants.
These stem cells are less likely to cause an adverse reaction by the immunity in the recipient thereof to whom they are transplanted.
Furthermore, unlike the adult stem cells from bone marrow, it is not necessary, and the donor recipient has to have immunological compatibility for successful transplantation.
Such type of treatment, however, can not always lead to successful healing in adults, since the number of the collected stem cells from umbilical cord blood is small and insufficient. Scientists believe that by using the new molecule will be possible multiplication of stem cells to a sufficient quantity for the conduct of successful treatment.
Molecule is called the UM171 and was discovered by researchers from the Institute of Cancer Research and immunological and the University of Montreal, Canada.
Doctrine argue that UM171 has the potential to increase the number of blood units, ready for transplant to 10 times.
Will have more effective drugs with the help of a new molecule
Swiss scientists have developed a new protein structure, which may improve the efficacy of drugs. New synthetic amino acid can be used to create entirely new drugs.
Development of new and effective drugs is a feat for many researchers. Until now, most drugs based on the basis of amino acid obtained naturally. These include insulin hormone, vancomycin and the like.
There are a variety of peptides and proteins, but only 20 different amino acids. They form a unique structure when they are "stacked" together. The synthetic structure created by the Swiss researcher is similar to that of cysteine - sulfuric amino acid. Synthetic however is significantly more efficient.
Disease attack appear more and more people. It takes more effective drugs that can handle the increasing resistance. Like the natural chemical structures may create such a new and improved treatment of various diseases.
Cysteine can form a bridge to the cysteine amino acid found in it, thereby creating 3D structure. The new amino acid, however, can form two bridges, when coupled with other similar amino acid cysteine.
Laboratory tests revealed that the newly synthesized amino acid is eight times more efficient and fight disease by 40-fold higher speed in comparison with a naturally occurring amino acid cysteine.
Hemoglobin - an important indicator of health
The hemoglobin molecule is composed of four polypeptide chains of the protein globin. In addition, all of these chains contain nonprotein ferruginous material - heme, which has a direct role in the binding and transport of oxygen.
Globinat is a protein such as albumin, that contain amino acid residues. Hema and globinat influence. Globinat alters the properties of heme so as to bind the oxygen. HEMA provides stability of globin against the action of acids, temperature, the action of enzymes and specific features of the crystallization thereof.
In adults, 98% of the hemoglobin type A (HbA), in the fetus and newborn is mostly type F (HbF), which in the first days after birth, changes in HbA.
Congenital disorders and diseases of the hematopoietic system appear abnormal types of hemoglobin as methemoglobin, which is unable to carry oxygen. In blood of healthy persons methaemoglobin in minor amounts. Methaemoglobin binds with hydrocyanic (senile) acid and other substances, so is used in medicine in such poisoning.
Normal hemoglobin levels in men ranged from 135-160 g / l in women - 120-140 g / l
Formation and decomposition of hemoglobin
The biosynthesis of hemoglobin was obtained in young erythrocytes, which penetrate into the iron atoms. Globinat formed from amino acids, i.e. at the usual time of synthesis of proteins.
Disintegration of hemoglobin begins in erythrocytes, which are at the end of their life cycle. In the process of decomposition to yield derivative verdoglobin having green color. It is unstable and falls apart easily. Heme disintegrates in cells of the liver, bone marrow and spleen to form yellow pigments. In this process, the iron atoms were removed, which again is connected with the erythrocytes to form new molecules heme.
Properties of hemoglobin
The main biological role of hemoglobin is its participation in the process of exchange of gaseous substances from the environment and the body. Hemoglobin provides oxygen transport in the blood from the lungs to the tissues and transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. The similarity of the hemoglobin molecule oxide is three times greater than with the oxygen molecules, which determines the properties of high toxic carbon monoxide. Therefore, when the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air of 0,1% more than half of hemoglobin in the blood is not bound with oxygen and carbon monoxide. In this form carboxyhemoglobin which can not transport oxygen.
Another important function of hemoglobin is that of maintaining the acid-base balance in the body.
Changes in hemoglobin
Upon failure of the hemoglobin in erythrocytes disrupting metabolism in cells. Low hemoglobin specific for iron deficiency anemia, which most commonly are caused by chronic blood loss or poor nutrition, especially when excludes the consumption of animal protein.
High hemoglobin may be normal or physiological phenomenon feature of the disease. For example, in people living in high mountains register compensatory increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, due to the reduced content of oxygen in the air.
Deficiency of some B vitamins leads to changes in the blood with high hemoglobin and decrease the number of red blood cells - malignant anemia. In certain cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders also can be observed high hemoglobin (the number of red blood cells but does not change), since disturbed blood flow in tissues do not receive oxygen.
Hemoglobin is one of the most important health indicators and indicators of change should seek competent medical opinion.