Using our novel TARGATT system, a gene of interest can be specifically inserted at a well-characterized, transcriptionally-active locus in the mouse genome with guaranteed transgene expression. Tissue-specific and / or ubiquitous expression options are available.
Advantages of TARGATT technology:
- Site-specific gene integration at a transcriptionally-active locus ensures high-level gene expression.
- Integration happens at an intergenic region; no internal genes are disrupted.
- The integrase system catalyzes a unidirectional integration event and results in a high efficiency in producing transgenic mice.
- Gene integration at the same locus allows a precise comparison of the transgenics from one line to another.
TARGATT Supporting Materials
Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEF)
● CF-1
● Neo-resistant
● DR4
● SNL (STO feeder cells)
SNL (STO feeder cells)
Cell Culture Products
● Germline-tested & ESC-qualified FBS
● Specialty Media
● Basal Media (DMEM)
● Stem Cell Growth and Differentiation Factors
● ASC Small Molecules
● 3D Culture and Expansion System
ESC/iPSC Characterization
Pluripotency Protein Markers Stem Cell Gene Array

● Pluripotency mRNA Markers
● Components
ESC/iPSC Differentiation
● Neural Differentiation
● Dendritic Cell (DC) Generation
ES/iPS Cell Lines
Mouse ES Cell Lines Human iPS Cells